News & Press Releases

Ve dnech 11.-13.3.2025 se můžeme potkat na veletrhu LogiMAT v Německu.


Despite recent floods impacting some areas, we are pleased to confirm that our company continues to operate at full capacity.


4.- 06.06.2024 | Köln | GERMANY We would like to invite you to the fair trade in Cologne, Germany


Visit us at the LogiMAT trade fair in Messe Stuttgart, Germany!

05. 08. 2021

We have prepared a new product for your pets. Own production - own design.

09. 06. 2021

Celebrate with us, we look forward to future cooperation!

07. 04. 2020

We would like to thank everyone who works with us in these difficult moments. We greatly appreciate it!


The situation with COVID-19 is not easy, thefore AVEX helps - 100pcs for social services in Otrokovice.


SEPTEMBER 11 – 15, 2018 | FRANKFURT | GERMANY We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the WORLD CELEBRATION OF THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY which will take place from September 11 to September 15, 2018, in Frankfurt, Germany.


CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a very current and highly debated subject in recent years. Although we are a medium-sized Moravian company, Avex Steel Products s.r.o. from Otrokovice, we realize our obligation arising from our business and are fully taking responsibility

01. 03. 2018

Half liter HOPE - Blood is not water! We are not indifferent to the lives of people around us. And so we decided for partnership to support the charity event of radio KISS and Foundation KORUNKA Luhačovice, Czech Republic.


Pallets for storage of tires, gitterboxes, containers - steel processed in Otrokovice helps logistics all over the world.


"We announce the Innovation Company of the Zlín Region competition every two years since 2009. The fifth edition held this year, was again showing that we have top companies in the region that thanks to their creativity, knowledge and technical skills can enforce not only domestic but also foreign market, "said Stanislav Misak, head of the Zlin Region. The organization of the competition is entrusted to the Technological Innovation Center, whose founder is the Zlin Region together with the Tomas Bata University. "The project aims to make visible successful and progressive companies in the region, which thanks to innovations gain a great competitive advantage and succeed in enforcing it in demanding markets," says Director of Technological Innovation Center Daniel Sobieska. Besides the companies themselves, the competition is open also for interest associations, for example, clusters that carry out specific innovation activities.

02. 06. 2016

In May 2016, we attended the REIFEN exhibition in Essen, Germany, which was very significant and successful for our company. We enjoyed seeing our existing customers and new business partners. Thank you for visiting!

Product comparison